© Copyright 2024
Rev. Fr. Thomas Mroczka
2430 Spruce Place
White Bear Lake, MN 55110-4864
Wednesday, January l, Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Octave Day of Christmas, double of the 2nd class. Color: White. In Mass Gloria, Creed, Preface of the Nativity, Proper Communicántes in the Canon of the Mass.
Sunday, January 5 The Most Holy Name of Jesus, double of the 2nd Color: White. In Mass: Gloria. 2nd Oration: Vigil of the Epiphany, Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, 3rd Oration: S. Telesphorus, Gregem Pastor, Creed. Preface of the Nativity.
Sunday, January .12, The Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, & Joseph, double-major. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Sunday within the Octave of the Epiphany Vota, quæsumus, 3rd Oration: Of the Octave of the Epiphany, Deus qui hodiérna, Creed, Preface of the Epiphany, Proper Communicántes (Epiphany) in the Canon of' the Mass.
Sunday, January 19, 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S, Marius & Companions, Exáudi, Dómine, 3rd Oration: S. Canute, Deus, qui ad, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, January 26, 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Polycarps Deus, qui nos, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, February 2, Purification of the BVM (Candlemas Day), double of the 2nd class. Color: White In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: 4th Sunday after Epiphany, Deus, qui nos in tantis, Creed, Preface of the Nativity, Proper Last Gospel of the 4th Sunday after Epiphany, i.e, In illo témpore: Áscendénte Jesu, (Mt. 8, 23-27). N.B. Blessing and Distribution of Candles before Mass. The Blessing of Throats may be given on this day (Feast of St. Blaise, February 3rd). Sunday,
Sunday, February 9, 5th Sunday after the Epiphany, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Cyril of Alexandria, Deus, qui beátum, 3rd Oration: S. Apolionia, Deus, qui inter. Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, February 16, Septuagesima Sunday, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, 3rd Oration, Ad libitum, i.e. choice of the priest, Creed, The Tract is read instead of the Alleluia verse, Preface of the Holy Trinity. Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass
Sunday, February 23, Sexagesima Sunday, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: S. Peter Damian, Concéde nos, The Tract is read instead of the Alleluia verse, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, March 2, Quinquagesima Sunday, semi-double. Color: Violet. 2nd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, 3rd Oration, Ad libitum, i.e, choice of the priest, Creed, The Tract is read instead of the Alleluia verse, Preface of the Holy Trinity. Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass.
Sunday, March 9, First Sunday of Lent, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: S. Frances of Rome, Deus qui beátam. Creed. The Tract is read instead of the Alleluia verse, Preface of Lent. Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass. N.B. The organ is silent and the altar is not decorated with flowers. Easter Duty can be made from this Sunday until Trinity Sunday inclusive. Ashes may be distributed to those who did not receive them on Ash Wednesday.
Sunday March 16, Second Sunday of Lent, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, 3rd Oration: For the Living and the Dead, Omnipotens Sempitérnes The Tract is read instead of the Alleluia verse, Preface of Lent, Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass. N.B. The organ is silent and the altar is not decorated with flowers.
Sunday, March 23, Third Sunday of' Lent, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, 3rd Oration: For the Living and the Dead, Omnípotens Sempitérne Deus, Tract, Creed, Preface of Lent, Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass. N.B. The organ is silent and the altar is not decorated with flowers.
Sunday, March 30, Fourth Sunday of Lent, semi-double. (Laetare Sunday), semi-double. Color: Rose or Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, 3rd Oration: For the Living and the Dead, Omnípotens Sempitérne Deus, Tract, Creed, Preface of Lent, Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass. N.B. The organ may be played and the altar decorated with flowers.
Sunday, April 6, Passion Sunday, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: Psalm 42 is omitted at the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, 2nd Oration: Against the Persecutors of the Church, Ecclésiæ tuæ, or For the Pope, Deus, Ómnium, Creed Preface of the Holy Cross, Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass. N.B. The doxology, Glory be, is omitted during Mass and during the Aspérges before High Mass. All statues, crucifixes, and images are covered with purple cloth until the intonation of the Gloria on Holy Saturday. The organ is silent and the altar is not decorated with flowers.
Sunday, April 13, Palm Sunday, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: Psalm 42 is omitted at the prayers at the foot of the altar, Creed, Preface of the Holy Cross, Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Mt. 26, 1-75; 27, 1-66). The doxology, Glory be, is omitted during Mass and during the Aspérges. N.B. There is the blessing and distribution of Palms with procession before Mass. If Mass is offered without the blessing of Palms, there is a proper Last Gospel taken from the ceremony of the blessing of Palms, In illo témpore: Cum appropinquásset, (Mt. 21, 1-9)
Sunday, April 20, Easter Sunday, double of the first class. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, Creed, Sequence, Preface of Easter, Ite Missa est, Allelúia, Allelúia at the end of Mass with response Deo Gratias Allelúia, Allelúia by altar boys. Proper Hanc igitur and Communicántes in the Canon of Mass. N.B. The organ is played and the altar is decorated with flowers. The Vidi Aquam is sung instead of the Aspérges before High Mass until Pentecost Sunday inclusive.
Sunday, April 27, Low Sunday (Quasimodo Sunday), double major. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Peter Canisius, Deus, qui ad, Creed, Preface of Easter (in hoc potíssimum gloriósius prædicáre). N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass.
Sunday, May 4, Second Sunday after Easter, semi-double. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Monica, Deus, mæréntium, Creed, Preface of Easter. N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass.
Thursday, May 11, Third Sunday after Easter, semi-double. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Solemnity of St. Joseph, Deus qui ineffabili, Creed, Preface of Easter. N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass. Mass of the Solemnity of St. Joseph permitted today with commemoration of the third Sunday after Easter with a proper gospel of the third Sunday after Easter. Preface of St. Joseph.
Sunday, May 18, Fourth Sunday after Easter, semi-double. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Venantius, Deus, qui hunc, N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass.
Sunday, May 25, Fifth Sunday after Easter, semi-double. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Gregory VII, Deus, in te,
3rd Oration: S. Urban I, Deus, qui Ecclésiam, Creed, Preface of Easter. N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass.
Thursday, May 29, Ascension Thursday, double of the first class. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, Creed, Preface of the Ascension, Proper Communicántes in the Canon of Mass. N.B. The Paschal candle is extinguished after the Gospel is read.
Sunday, June 1, Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension, semi-double. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Angela Merici, Deus, qui novum, 3rd Oration: Of the Octave of the Ascension, Concéde, quæsumus, Creed, Preface of the Ascension. Proper Communicántes in the Canon of Mass. N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass.
Sunday, June 8, Pentecost Sunday or Whit Sunday, double of the first class. Color: Red. In Mass: Gloria, Sequence, Creed, Preface of the Holy Ghost. Proper Hanc igitur and Communicántes in the Canon of Mass. N.B. The Vidi Aquam is sung before High Mass.
Sunday, June 15, Trinity Sunday, double of the first class. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Of the First Sunday after Pentecost, Deus in te sperántium, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity. Proper Last Gospel taken from the First Sunday after Pentecost, In illo tempore: Dixit Jesus discipulis suis, (Lk. 6, 36-42). N.B. The Aspérges is resumed from this Sunday onward and sung before Sunday High Mass. Last day to make Easter Duty.
Sunday, June 22, Sunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi, semi-double. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: The Octave of Corpus Christi, Deus qui nobis, 3rd Oration: S. Paulinus, Deus, qui ómnia, Creed, Preface of the Nativity. N.B. On this Sunday one Mass may be said as on the Feast of Corpus Christi. In Mass: Gloria, Sequence, 2nd Oration: Sunday Within the Octave, Sancti nóminis tui, 3rd Oration: S. Paulinus, Deus, qui ómnia, Creed, Preface of the Nativity, procession follows Mass.
Sunday, June 29, Ss. Peter & Paul, double of the 1st class. Color: Red. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Sunday within the Octave of the Sacred Heart, Protector in te, 3rd Oration: Within the Octave of the Sacred Heart, Deus, qui nobis, 4th Oration: Octave of St. John the Baptist, Deus qui, Creed, Preface of the Apostles.
Sunday, July 6, 4th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Octave Day of Ss. Peter & Paul, Deus, cujus déxtera, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, July. 13 5th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Anacletus, Gregem tuum. Pastor. 3rd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, July 20, 6th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Jerome Emilian, Deus, misericordiárum, 3rd Oration: S. Margaret, Indulgéntiam nobis Creed. Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, July 27, 7th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double Color: Green. In Mass Gloria. 2nd Oration: S. Pantaleon, Presta, quæsumus, 3rd Oration: Intercession of the Saints. A cúnctis, Creed. Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, August 3, 8th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Finding of the Body of S. Stephen, Da nobis. quæsumus. 3rd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cúnctis, Creed. Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, August 10. Saint Lawrence; double of the 2nd class (9th Sunday after Pentecost). Color Red. In Mass: Gloria. 2nd Oration: 9th Sunday after Pentecost, Páteant aures. Creed. Preface of the Holy Trinity. Proper Last Gospel of the 9th Sunday after Pentecost, in illo tempore: Cum appropinqeuáret Jesus. (Lk 19,41-47).
Friday, August 15, Feast of the Assumption of the BVM, double of the first class. Color. White. In Mass: (Introit: Signum Magnum) Gloria, Creed, Preface of the BVM (Et le in Assumptióne). N.B. No abstinence from meat today.
Sunday, August 17, 10th Sundry. after Pentecost, semi-double. Color. Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Hyacinth, Deus qui nos. 3rd Oration: The Octave of the Assumption of the BVM. Omnipotens sempitérne Deus, 4th Oration: Octave Day of S. Lawrence, Excita, Dómine, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, August 24, Saint Bartholomew, double of the 2nd class (11th Sunday alter Pentecost). Color. Red, In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: 11th Sunday after Pentecost, Omnipotens sempitérne Deus, Creed, Preface of the Apostles. Proper Last Gospel of the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, In illo tempore: Exiens Jesus, (Mk 7.31-37).
Sunday, August 31, 12th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-doable. Color. Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Raymond Nonnatus, Deus. qui in. Creed,. Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, September 7, 13th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: The Intercessions of the Saints, A cúnctis, 3rd Oration: Ad libitum, i.e., at the Choice of the priest, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, September 14, Exaltation of the Holy Cross, double-major (14th Sunday after Pentecost). Color: Red. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: 14th Sunday after Pentecost, Custódi, Domine, Creed, Preface of the Holy Cross, Proper Last Gospel of the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, In illo témpore: Dixit...Nemo potest:, (Mt 6: 24-33).
Sunday, September 21, St. Matthew, double of the 2nd class (15th Sunday after Pentecost). Color: Red. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: 15th Sunday after Pentecost, Ecclésiam tuam, Preface of the Apostles, Proper Last Gospel of the 15th Sunday after Pentecost, In illo témpore: lbat Jesus, (Lk 7, 11-16).
Sunday, September 28, 16th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Wenceslaus, Deus, qui beátum, 3rd Oration: The Intercessions of the Saints, A cunctis, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, October 5, 17th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Placidus & Companions, Deus. qui nos, 3rd Oration: The Intercessions of the Saints. A cunctis, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, October 12, 18th Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cunctis, 3rd Oration: Ad libitum, i.e., at the Choice of the priest, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, October 19, 19th Sunday after Pentecost (Mission Sunday), semi-double. Color: Green. in Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Peter Alcantara, Deus, qui, 3rd Oration: Intercession of the Saints, A cunctis, 4th Oration: For the Propagation of the Faith. Deus qui ómnes, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, October 26, Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ The King (20th Sunday after Pentecost), double of the first class. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: 20th Sunday after Pentecost. Largire, quæsumus, Creed, Preface of Christ The King, Proper Last Gospel of the 20th Sunday after Pentecost, In illo tempore: Erat quidam, (in 4,46-53). N.B. The Litany of the Sacred Heart Jesus and the Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is recited before the Blessed Sacrament exposed on this day.
Saturday, November 1, Feast of All Saints, double of the first class. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, Creed, Common Preface.
Sunday, November 2, 21st Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Octave of All Saints, Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity. N.B. All Souls' Day is transferred to Monday, November 3rd.
Sunday, November 9, Dedication of the Archbasilica of Our Savior, double of the 2nd class (22nd Sunday after Pentecost). Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, Deus, refúgium, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity. Proper Last Gospel of the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, In illo témpore: Abeúntes, (Mt 22, 15-21).
Sunday, November 16, 23rd Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Gertrude, Deus, qui, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, November 23, 24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost, semi-double. Color: Green. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: S. Clement I, Gregem tuum, Pastor, 3rd Oration: S. Felicitas, Præsta quæsumus, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity.
Sunday, November 30, First Sunday of Advent, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: Of the BVM, Deus, qui de beátæ, 3rd Oration: Against the Persecutors of the Church, Ecclésiae tuae, or for the Pope, Deus, ómnium fidélium, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity, Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass. N.B. The organ is silent and the altar is not decorated with flowers.
Sunday, December 7, Second Sunday of Advent, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: S. Ambrose, Deus, qui pópulo, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity, Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass. N.B. The organ is silent and the altar is not decorated with flowers.
Monday, December 8, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, double of the first class. Color: White. In Mass: Gloria, Creed, Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Et te in Conceptióne Immaculáta). N.B. The organ may be played and altar decorated with flowers. The Legion of Decency Pledge recited after Mass.
Sunday, December 14, Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete or Rose Sunday), semi-double. Color: Rose or Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: Octave of the Immaculate Conception, Déus qui per, 3rd Oration: Against the Persecutors of the Church, Ecclésiæ tuæ, or for the Pope, Deus, ómnium fidélium, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity, Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass. N.B. The organ may be played and the altar decorated with flowers.
Sunday, December 21, 4th Sunday of Advent, semi-double. Color: Violet. In Mass: 2nd Oration: Of the BVM, Déus qui de Beátae, 3rd Oration: Against the Persecutors of the Church, Ecclésiae tuæ, or for the Pope, Deus omnium, Creed, Preface of the Holy Trinity, Benedicámus Dómino at the end of Mass. N.B. The organ is silent.
Thursday, December 25, The Nativity of Our Lord, double of the first class. Color: White. In Mass: There are three Masses proper for Christmas, i.e., the First Mass at Midnight, the Second Mass at Dawn, and the Third Mass During the Day. In all three Masses: Gloria, Creed, Preface of the Nativity, Proper Communicántes. N.B. At the Mass at Dawn, 2nd Oration: S. Anastasia, i.e., Da quaésumus omnípotens, At the Mass During the Day there is a Proper Last Gospel of the Epiphany, i.e., Cum nátus, (Mt 2, 1-12).
Sunday, December 28, The Holy Innocents, double of the 2nd class. Color: Red. In Mass: Gloria, 2nd Oration: Octave of the Nativity: Concéde, quæsumus, Creed, Preface of the Nativity, Proper Communicántes in the Canon of Mass.
Ember Days for 2025
Advent: December 17, 19 and 20.
Lent: March 12, 14 and 15.
Pentecost: June 11, 13 and 14.
September: Septemer 17, 19 and 20.
Holy Days of Obligation in the USA
Wednesday, January 1, Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord
Thursday, May 29, Ascension Day
Friday, August 15, Assumption of the BVM
Saturday, November 1, All Saints' Day
Monday, December 8, Immaculate Conception of the BVM
Thursday, December 25, Nativity of Our Lord
Traditional Law of Fast and Abstinence
Fast. All persons over twenty-one and under sixty years of age must fast on days appointed. On a day of fast one full meal may be eaten at the principal meal and two smaller meatless meals - the combination of which may not equal the amount eaten at the principal meal. Eating between meals is not allowed. Liquids, such as milk and fruit juices may be taken any time on a fast day. Please note that true medicine never breaks the fast including the Eucharist fast.
Days of Fast are the weekdays of Lent including Holy Saturday until 12:00 Noon; Ember Days, the Vigil of Pentecost, the Vigil of the Immaculate Conception, the Vigil of All Saints' Day, and the Vigil of Christmas.
Abstinence. All persons over seven years of age must abstain from meat on days appointed. On days of complete abstinence i.e., all Fridays, Ash Wednesday, the Vigil of the Immaculate Conception, and the Vigil of Christmas they must abstain from meat, meat gravy, or soup made with meat. On days of partial abstinence meat is allowed once a day but, only at the principal meal. Days of partial abstinence are Ember Wednesday and Saturday, the Vigil of Pentecost, and the Vigil of All Saints' Day.
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© Copyright 2024 by Rev. Fr. Thomas Mroczka