St.Pius V Chapel
We are located in the Village of Oyster Bay Cove, New York, on the north shore of Long Island just outside of the town of Oyster Bay off of Berry Hill Road. St. Pius V Chapel offers the Traditional Latin Mass daily. Our church is associated with the Society of St. Pius V, an organization of traditional Catholic priests dedicated to the traditional Latin Mass and the administration of the traditional Sacraments. The traditional Latin Mass is offered here every Sunday and Holy Days. Please consult the Church Bulletin page for Mass times and locations.
The priests follow the rubrics of the Mass according to the Roman Missal (Missale Romanum 1954) prior to any of the liturgical changes implemented by the Vatican II Council. You are most welcome to browse our web site. If you are in the local area, please feel free to visit us here at our church. If you need directions to our church then please view the directions link on this web site.
A Word to Newcomers
You are most welcome to come and assist at Mass here at St. Pius V Chapel. Please be advised of the following dress code and rules regarding the reception of Holy Communion: According to Apostolic Tradition and out of respect for our Lord's presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament, the faithful must dress modestly while in the church and assisting at Holy Mass. Hence, please observe the dress code.
Dress Code
Women and girls must wear a modest dress and cover their heads with either a hat or chapel veil. Short skirts or dresses that are above the knees, revealing blouses (such as low cut, sleeveless or see-through), slacks or shorts of any length do not meet the norms of Christian modesty.
Men and boys should be wearing neat trousers, a coat, jacket or a dress sweater and tie. Jeans, shorts, open shirts, sneakers and other such casual dress are inappropriate and do not meet the standards for assisting at Holy Mass.
Please be advised that the priest reserves the right to refuse Holy Communion to anyone who, in his prudent judgment, does not meet the requirements of the Rules for Receiving Holy Communion and Dress Code as stated in the church bulletin. In addition, you may listen to Fr. Baumberger's announcement of the dress code for assisting at Mass at St. Pius V Chapel.
Holy Communion - Explanation
Since the close of the Second Vatican Council in 1965, a revolution has taken place in the Catholic Church. The Mass has been changed. The Sacraments have been changed. And in so many places the doctrine, as well as the moral teaching, of the Church has been changed.
We believe these changes are irreconcilable with what the popes have taught, especially the pre-Vatican II popes of the last 200 years. And so we do not go along with the changes.
Until such time as Our Lord restores order and normalcy as regards the situation in the Church, we hold fast as St. Paul said, to the TRADITIONS.
In this chapel, only the traditional Latin Mass is celebrated. And we adhere without reservation or qualification to the traditional Catholic Faith and the unchangeable moral teaching of the Church.
We believe that as Catholics we have a right and a solemn duty to hold fast to the traditions as we have received them from the Church.
The rules for the reception of Holy Communion in this chapel are as follows:
One must accept and profess all the teachings of the Catholic Church. One must believe and abide by the traditional Catholic moral teaching, especially in regard to purity and marriage. Therefore:
- If someone has received an annulment since 1968, it is first necessary to talk to the priest outside the confessional before receiving Holy Communion.
- One must, of course, be in the state of sanctifying grace to receive Holy Communion, having made a good confession to a Catholic priest ordained in the traditional rite, which rite was used before 1968.
- Young people must be trained in the traditional Catechism, such as the Baltimore Catechism, and they must be tested in the traditional Catechism by a traditional priest.
- They must also have made a good confession to a traditional priest.
- One must be fasting from solid foods and alcoholic beverages for three hours and from liquids for one hour. Water does not break the fast and may be taken at any time.
- If one, being in the state of grace, has resolved to attend the traditional Latin Mass regularly and exclusively, he is welcome to receive Holy Communion here.
Welcome! Thank you for your cooperation in these matters.
Fridays 6:30 PM, Saturday: after morning Mass.
First Friday: Confessions 6:00 PM. Mass at 8:00 PM, followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and all night adoration in reparation for outrages committed against the Sacred Heart.
Arranged by appointment. Parents are reminded to choose saints' names for their children. Only Catholics who assist regularly at the traditional Mass are permitted to be sponsors.
Extreme Unction:
Since the priest has to travel a considerable distance to make a sick call, please do not put off making arrangements until the last moment.
Please phone before making any arrangements with the funeral director.
Catechism Program:
Sundays between the Masses. Please phone for information.
Smoking is not permitted indoors.
Phone during office hours for a list of other traditional Catholic chapel locations throughout the U.S.